A family knit together by bonds of loving co operation and mutual understanding, is a living model of heaven on earth.
Life is like a party , you invite a lot of people,some leave early,some stay,some laugh with you , some with you,some didn't come . But in the end after the fun,there would be a few who would stay up and help you to clean up the mess with you. And most of the time those were the one who didn't make the mess.
Ego kills Wealth , Propriety and Family if you do not agree look at Ravan , Kansh and Kauravs .
Life is like a roller coaster it has its ups and down, but its your choice to scream or enjoy the ride.
Life is like a party , you invite a lot of people,some leave early,some stay,some laugh with you , some with you,some didn't come . But in the end after the fun,there would be a few who would stay up and help you to clean up the mess with you. And most of the time those were the one who didn't make the mess.
Ego kills Wealth , Propriety and Family if you do not agree look at Ravan , Kansh and Kauravs .
Life is like a roller coaster it has its ups and down, but its your choice to scream or enjoy the ride.