Saturday, June 7, 2008


Human nature is a selfish identity,it expects much from the people around.One expects appreciation from others in different forms,such as a child expects love from the mother,a wife expects love and affection from the husband,a father expects care from the children,a company expects sales from the salesman.... The list of expectations in different forms of life is unending.

Why one is angry,frustrated,depressed. The only reason is that our expectations are much more from others towards us, and when those are not fulfilled we get angry,tensed,rude towards others. This is the reason given by great saints and learned experienced people all over the world. Just think a normal family man with a wife and a son,expects love and affection from his family. A company wants sales from the salesman to run the business is this wrong ????

Its valid not to expect anything from anyone to be happy,can this work for anyone.

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